Mixed Numbers

Mixed Number. Whole numbers followed by fractions





Improper Fractions. Are fractions that have a numerator (top larger than the denominator (bottom)


Mixed Number to Improper Fractions. 

(1) Multiply the denominator with the whole number.

(2) Add the numerator to the product 1*3+2 = 5

(3) The sum is the new numerator

(4) The denominator stays the same.





Improper Fractions to Mixed Number.

(1) Divide. The numerator goes inside the radical and the denominator goes outside.

(2) The quotient is the whole number.

(3) The remainder is the numerator.

(4) The denominator stays the same.

(5) Simplify if necessary. If there is no remainder, there is no fraction.





Improper Fractions

Mixed Numbers Help

Improper Fractions To Mixed Numbers

Improper Fractions To Mixed Numbers

Improper Fractions Writing