
A transformation is a change in position, shape, or size of a figure

Similar figures. Figures with same shape. They are not necessarily the same size.

Reflection. A reflection is a flip over a line. Every point of the original figure is the same distance from this line as is corresponding point of the reflected image. Every reflection has a mirror line.
A reflection of an “R” is a backwards “R”.



Slide/Glide. To translate an object means to move it without rotating or reflecting it. Every translation has a direction and a distance. 



Rotation.  A rotation is a turn of a figure around a point. The point can be on or in the figure, or outside the figure.




Introduction to scale factor (enlargement and reduction).

A scale factor is a number which scales, or multiplies, some quantity.  Scale factors make each of the sides of a shape (two dimensional figure) or solid (three dimensional figure) bigger by a certain amount.


If two polygons are similar, their corresponding sides  and perimeters are all in the same ratio.


The ratio of areas of two similar figures is the square of the scale factor.


The ratio of volumes of two similar figures is the cube of the scale factor.
